Tricking (or martial arts tricking) is a non-combative, dynamic sport that incorporates elements of martial arts kicking, gymnastics flipping, and breakdancing and combines them into a single, peformance-focused artform.
If you are looking for a fun, exciting activity that will challenge you physically and mentally, this might be for you!
Loopkicks SoCal is the only tricking gym in Orange County!
Orange County
13061 Galway St, Garden Grove, CA 92844
We offer classes for all ages, no matter the skill level! No prior experience necessary! All our classes are fun, exciting, and challenging. Unlock your full potential and start your movement journey today!
Schedule a 30 minute, one-on-one intro with a coach and try tricking out for free!
Our experienced coaches are here to guide you to the next level! We use progressions, drills, and state-of-the-art equipment to develop body awareness before attempting difficult skills.